Friday, September 23, 2011


I have been thinking a lot about baptism.  Some people haven't been baptized yet, some were and have lost their faith, some were baptized without understanding the full commitment they made to God, but later on realize and become fully committed to following Christ throughout their lives!  So I have thought about these many circumstances and pondered about why I was baptized...

I remember when shortly before I turned eight years old I had the opportunity to meet with my bishop to see if I was ready to be baptized!  It wasn't made a big deal in my family; for instance I wasn't pressured or forced into it.  I was simply given the decision to do it or not.  I don't even remember sitting down and talking to my parents about whether or not I should get baptized.  I knew it was something we believed.  I knew that once we turn eight we have reached the age of accountability and it is a time we can choose to be baptized.  Each of my immediate family members before me were baptized at eight; my father, mother and two older brothers.  Still this didn't seem to pressure me.  I did not feel nervous or pressured in any way to follow them or that if I didn't make the decision to be baptized that I would be condemned in any way.  But I remember meeting with my bishop and when he simply asked me if I wanted to get baptized and I said yes!  He probably asked me many other questions that maybe I didn't fully understand or see their significance, but I do remember him asking me if I believed in Jesus Christ.  I did!  I know I didn't understand fully everything about baptism at the age of eight, but I knew and felt an assurance from the Holy Ghost telling me that it was a good and right decision.  Ever since then the Holy Ghost has been a key in my life that I have never let go!  It is a priceless gift that I would not be where I am or who I am today without! 

So for all of you I want to know your stories!  Why did you get baptized?

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